This is the goofus people pay money to let draw professional kids comic books? WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!
Do you wanna try your argument again now that we're not on Twitter? Are you really going to keep continuing to use your skin color as a means to deflect criticism? Imagine telling your followers to mass report and block a guy because of one reply,one that most likely was done in humor. You like to talk a lot about how "hard" it is for blacks in comics & how whites are bad guys,but considering you're the one doing the targeting and harassment,seems like you're the supremacist here,bub. I would tell you to go see a shrink,but I don't think you know how. See what I did there?
you are a sick person
Get a life
No u.
Ya momma
Well, looks like someone was in desperate need of attention.
Did ya lose your bottle somewhere?
dude yikes, what are you even trying to proof here consider someone is making a very racist comment to Jongray on that screenshot?Jongray also hasn't been active for a long time on DA anyway so making this comment was not needed.