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Pokeball of Mewtwo

Character  Mewtwo (Pokemon)Object  PokeballLocation  Melbourne, Victoria


Mewtwo - Pokemon © Nintendo

Over 1 BILLION views across the internet!!!!!! A massive thank you to everyone who's checked out my art! 🎉

Behold, the one and only Mewtwo, the ultimate legendary Psychic Pokémon, caught in a stunning Pokéball! 🌟

I've added some breathtaking effects to make my pokeball truly stand out. The purple colour scheme is a nod to Mewtwo's Psychic type and its iconic design.
I hope you'll love it as much as I do!

Check out my Facebook page and don't forget to share my artworks with your friends!

(EDIT: Improved and replaced with my own photo stock and free print resources)

(EDIT 2: Increased the color and light, and added my social media URLs)

Image size
1900x1281px 1016.05 KB
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