Amor Vincit Omnia TattooJon-Moss on DeviantArt

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Amor Vincit Omnia Tattoo



This shows the full detail of the tattoo used on my "Cheeky" image [link]

The latin script translates as "Love conquers all".

This is one of my first attempts at designing a proper tattoo. I didn't want to just slap a tattoo flash on my girlie, I wanted to make it more personal so decided to design the tattoo from scratch. I'm really quite pleased with how it turned out so will definitely try some more :)

The font used for the latin script is by *wolfbainx and you can download it here [link]
Image size
900x727px 269.51 KB
© 2010 - 2025 Jon-Moss
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Sir someone took your art, they used it as logo for their clan. You can find their page & group on facebook.