ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
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I use Photohsop CS4 and a Hanvon "Artmaster" graphic tablet. I only use the two default airbrushes in Photoshop: hard and soft round airbrush. 
After receiving so much positive feedback on my eyetutorial, I thought it would be a good idea to also make tutorials about other parts of the face! ^-^ So this is my lips-tutorial!
Feel free to download it and use it on your own pictures, but please credit me and link back to this tutorial if you create something with the help of it! And I would also love to see what you created!
I hope this will be helpful for you!
Comments, critiques and favs are highly appreciated! 
My eyes-tutorial:

Digital Art Tutorial:

Watch me for more tutorials!!

After receiving so much positive feedback on my eyetutorial, I thought it would be a good idea to also make tutorials about other parts of the face! ^-^ So this is my lips-tutorial!

I hope this will be helpful for you!

My eyes-tutorial:

Digital Art Tutorial:

Watch me for more tutorials!!

Image size
1503x4338px 2.03 MB
© 2012 - 2025 JoJoesArt
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I think this lip tutorial was fantastic.
The fact that you showed the basics in how to design lips was really brilliant as I always seemed to struggle in designing my lips and making them look good.
The step by step pictures you've shown on the left was also great as you showed how to do the shading and lighting perfectly. The fact that you even showed some of your own art pieces and different colours of eyes
I believe that your lip tutorial will help me immensely and I really thank you so much.
Loving the tutorials keep them up.