I am back but Half moving

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jojeangel's avatar
Salam Alikom ( hi , bonjour )

Ramadan kareeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem everybody, I miss you all
I am doing well , I think .
You know once upon time I told you about new account which is going my official gallery which will contains chosen of my artwork but is not going to handle all of my artwork , while here you will see my draft , uncompleted , and complete things which you are not going to see in the other account.

I hope you watching me in the other account and keep your self at this account too .
and insallah you will like what ever you will see.

jojeangel / ejlal
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Y2M's avatar
I started reading 3azaail a month a go but I stopped as It did not interest me :)