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Survivor of the Flames



I think this may be one of my favorite carvings ever, and I'm betting it won't be nearly as popular as my others. Such is the way of pumpkin carving.

So this is Spook, the Survivor of the Flames, from Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn trilogy. These books are awesome, and you should read them if you haven't already. I'm serious. Go read them.

So this pumpkin is based off one of my favorite images from the third book. Spook, also known as Lestibournes, with his blindfold and burnt cape, surrounded by flames. The pattern also incorporates the the symbol for Tin in the background, and Pewter on his chest. Read the books, it will make sense.

As for the pattern, since I can't draw for beans the credit for this goes to by good buddy Ashleigh! She did a fantastic job of pattern making. Major credit and thanks to her :D

I had a lot of fun carving it as well, even if it took awhile. About 6 hours, I think. I used a lot of the marker technique, but I think it turned out well. I tried to give it a gradient so the ends were more burnt, but it didn't photograph very well. Such is the way of pumpkin carving.

Light Version: [link]

Detailed Version: [link]

Mistborn and Spook © Brandon Sanderson
Pattern © Ashleigh
Carving © Me
Image size
1000x1093px 1.22 MB
© 2011 - 2024 johwee
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TwilightWillow13's avatar
This is possibly the most amazing thing I've ever seen