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Pinkie Pie's Watermelon Attack!



Pinkie Pie what are you doing? You can't just fourth wall your way out of a watermelon!

This wasn't my first idea for a pony watermelon carving, but once I thought of it, it had to be carved. There's just no stopping Pinkie Pie.

The pattern was made from a mash-up of two different Pinkie vectors, since I thought a big Pinkie smile would fit better than the expression she made in the original popping out of the screen image. And I found out that Pony eyes are a pain in the flank to carve.

I watched 9 different FiM episodes in a row while carving this, so that should give you a good sense of how long it took :D

Credit for the vectors goes to ~SirSpikensons for the image from Over a Barrel: [link] and ~BucketOfWhales for the one from The Ticket Master: [link]

Light Version: [link]

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Pinkie Pie © Hasbro and Lauren Faust
Vectors by ~SirSpikensons and ~BucketOfWhales
Carving © Me
Image size
1000x1056px 1.25 MB
© 2012 - 2024 johwee
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