Stick People DrawingJohnSu on DeviantArt

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September 26, 2007
Ever feel like no matter how hard you try you just can't draw the human form?Stick People Drawing by *JohnSu is a humorous twist to this common problem.
Featured by WhenPigsFry
Suggested by DiamondRaider
JohnSu's avatar

Stick People Drawing



I was watching a stick-figure movie and came to wonder what their perception of quality would be, and so this was born.

The "real" sketch on the canvas is probably what took the longest in drawing this picture. It has many layers of semi-transparent paint as there are problems with my apartment hygiene.

Made in Flash
Image size
600x600px 31.43 KB
© 2006 - 2025 JohnSu
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Dr-InSean's avatar

18 years later and this picture is still great!