Neo Japan 2202 X Khyzyl Saleem - The interceptorjohnsonting on DeviantArt

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Neo Japan 2202 X Khyzyl Saleem - The interceptor

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Cross over! With one of my favorite car artists out there and a long time friend, known each other since our early early days of art :P 

This has been sitting in the WIP folder for literally ages.. EONS even. Glad that is done! Khyzyl's design of the hako is way too badass, please do check out his kickass vehicles:…

Short excerpt from my story of Neo Japan 2202:

"Ronins aka the rebels, has their own ways of surviving the underworld and staying hidden. In an age where each and every vehicle has been registered, each and every part is tagged, no one can drive a car that is untraceable, that is unless you mod 200 year old cars, when vehicles are all analog instead of digital, a vehicle of raw steel and power.  

These are literally ancient vehicles, how they got their hands on them is amazing enough, how they manage to make it work is even more of a feat. Here we have recovered one o--- *transmission cuts off* "


This particular vehicle is the interceptor, an ancient Nissan Skyline "Hakosuka" modded by Dr.Wayne and Seven, the only one left in Neo Japan, and the only one that has managed to out run the police 8 times on live television.  


Hope you guys dig it!
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cool not going lie but is anybody in 2024