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Heyy guys, it's been wayyyy too long since an update. Currently just landed myself a new job with the great team at Project Triforce, NYC. Working on some really exciting titles I can't wait to show you guys :D Also, the project I've been working on for more than a year has been announced! Mortal Kombat X! Really tons of tons of fun working on this one, cant wait for it to be released. 

Anyway, heres a new Neo Japan piece for the day! There's few more coming within these few weeks cause i need to speed things up for the book so hopefully I can post more :D---


Official government summary:
"Kokushibyo" (Black Death) is known to be one of the deadliest member from an anti-government group who call themselves "Ronins" (A samurai without a master), some witnesses also described him looking like a Royales drone from the Royal Palace. Kokushibyo has been seen in most of the Ronin's attacks on government officials, he also has the highest bounty for his arrest in Japanese history, thus local privateer companies often has bounty hunters tracking Kokushibyo. Though highly targeted by the government and bounty hunters, Kokushibyo has never been reported to be seen by any individual, some witnesses say that "He can only be seen if he wants you to, and he will be the last thing you'll ever see after that." There are currently no known victims that has survived an attack led by Kokushibyo, thus making investigation difficult. 

One source states that Kokushibyo is heard being called Takuya by his Ronins, Takuya Tadashi is a renowned sniper instructor in the government's RCTC (Royales Combat Training Center), he is one of the four officers that started the SSS program (Sniper Synchronization System) that enables a user to synchronize with his/her sniper rifle with a nano neuron implant, by doing so would allowed the user to access various information such as wind speed/bullet velocity/bullet path of travel to the brain without delay, the user would also be able to remotely control the rifle from a distance.

Takuya is known to be the only individual that is able to control five rifles at the same time in a single connection, while achieving a staggering 95% accuracy. However, Takuya Tadashi was announced as a wanted fugitive/missing person after an arrest warrant on him issued by the government in the year 2195, after a two hour fire fight in his apartment, he was reportedly shot twice in the chest and dropped out from a window, he was not seen after that. A week later his wife and son were killed in a car accident near the coast of Tojinbo. Not much is known about the reason for the arrest but government officials are still putting Takuya Tadashi as the fourth most wanted criminal in Japan despite 7 years of fruitless search, Kokushibyo being the first most wanted on the list. 

Thus there are speculations that Takuya's conscious has been uploaded into a stolen and modified Royales by the Ronins with the help of a known associate called "Dr.Wayne", and has ever since operate in a metal chasis which is now known as the "Kokushibyo". Details of this claim are mostly incomplete and seems to be too absurd for local authorities.

If you have any information regarding Kokushibyo or Takuya Tadashi, please do not hesitate to contact your nearest drone for assistance." 


Based on stock provided by my favorite stock artists on DA: :iconphelandavion:

Thanks guys and more to come! Hope you guys like this :D

PS: I just added the consoles infos, release date, website for layout purposes and for fun :/ It wont be a real game, at least for now, hopefully when it's more complete it would be one in the future. My final goal in life is to produce a AAA game with a great team, so.. I'll work hard!

Here's some others from Neo Japan 2202 series:

NEO JAPAN 2202 - DR WAYNE by johnsontingNEO JAPAN 2202 - SHIROBAI by johnsontingThe Tojinbo Cannons - Neo Japan 2202 by johnsontingThe Biwa Generators - Neo Japan 2202 by johnsontingNEO JAPAN 2202 - Shin Jinrui Experiment by johnsontingNEO JAPAN 2202 - Enerugi Gado by johnsontingNEO JAPAN 2202 -  Royales by johnsontingNEO JAPAN 2202 - KIKAI YOHEI by johnsontingNEO JAPAN 2202 - KIKAI YOHEI by johnsonting<da:thumb id="445082307">
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Dadiyo's avatar

Hope you still on that dream path fam.. . Dont let the modern world kill that dream.