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johnsonting's avatar




This one was from the piles that was going to be in the book, so figured I can post it here :D

"In the year 2180, December 28th, Japan's newly developed star cruiser "JSS VICTORY" crashed outside the coast of Nemuro during its maiden voyage, the cause of the crash was never released to public but citizens nearby initially reported seeing a bright green light emitted from the engine of the cruiser before it went down. However, when reporters came to interview the citizens a few hours later, all of them reported that they never saw anything wrong with the cruiser. 

The crash outside the coast caused a tsunami that destroyed a small part of the nearby town, within minutes, official has dispatched its rescue and emergency teams and quickly sealed off the area. This is the first major use of a Keisatsu drone as emergency response team, it is estimated that around 120 drones were activated on the site. The drones are specifically modified and its purposed are somewhat different from its law enforcement version, they are mainly tasked with recording and scanning the area for any harmful residues. It is unknown on why the Keisatsu's ERS were carrying weapons and strictly restricted anyone from going near the 15km radius perimeter. "

I think I'll post a painting of the ship next! :D

Here's some others from Neo Japan 2202 series:

NEO JAPAN 2202 - SHIROBAI by johnsontingThe Tojinbo Cannons - Neo Japan 2202 by johnsontingThe Biwa Generators - Neo Japan 2202 by johnsontingNEO JAPAN 2202 - Shin Jinrui Experiment by johnsontingNEO JAPAN 2202 - Enerugi Gado by johnsontingNEO JAPAN 2202 -  Royales by johnsontingNEO JAPAN 2202 - KIKAI YOHEI by johnsontingNEO JAPAN 2202 - KIKAI YOHEI by johnsontingNEO JAPAN 2202 - Hairandazu by johnsonting
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fayyazb's avatar

Very cool Photobash!