Frontier Buccaneersjohnsonting on DeviantArt

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johnsonting's avatar

Frontier Buccaneers

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Finally get to finish this piece after soooo long, just for fun. Initial idea was that there was this bunch of space pirates, they have these helmets that is also a screen that can project 3D images to make them.. well, scarier. Imagine seeing the 3D skull projected in the dark when your spaceship is being boarded, all you can see is a glowing blue skull that can talk D: i think thats intimidating.. for me at least :P

And I kinda got realllly lazy half way through and yes those are some old parts I've used from my other paintings >.> I dont feel satisfied with this piece, it feels unfinished and i dont feeel the mood, guess thats what happens when you leave a painting for more than half a year, parts and bits feels different when i started it. Anyway, I'll leave this here for now..… On artstation as well!

Photos used:
Combat Hoist by MilitaryPhotos This awesome photo was the inspiration and plate i've used! And many thanks to Reid's compilation of Nasa stock photos,… He took the time and effort to compile it and its free, also, buy his australian Pack to show your appreciation! The australia pack is very awesome and has tons and tons of great photos to choose from. Also, the image is non profit and its for personal uses only :D
Image size
2254x1500px 2.96 MB
Shutter Speed
1/250 second
Focal Length
24 mm
© 2015 - 2025 johnsonting
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Ghostkiller141's avatar

This is awesome I love have that helmet