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Moon Crystals



It's about time I did some more Skies Of Arcadia fan art. So here are those glowy Moon Crystals! I spent quite a few hours on this and gave myself a headache as well. One of the trickier parts to do, was the Blue Moon Crystal, since it has that bit sticking out the bottom. So I discovered that when you edit a tube in AOI, you can set the thickness of all the points. So that helped. I wrote my own program to generate the texture for the crystals.
Although the Purple Moon Stone looks like a cylinder in the menus, the actual Moon Crystal looks pretty much like how I did it, when you see the close up on the table at Crescent Isle. The only thing I wasn't sure of, was the amount of sides to it.
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1550x1127px 480.37 KB
© 2014 - 2024 JohnK222
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Sharulia's avatar
Very cool, and so sparkly! Another great piece here. It must have taken a little bit to get all those shapes right.