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Abyssal Leviathan Tentalus



My 2nd entry for Game-Arts-HQ Link's black list tribute [link] introducing this time around another one of my favourite bosses in Skyward Sword - The sandship dungeon boss Tentalus!

After Link completes this dungeon ( with the total sand area being one of the most genious levels of any Zelda game if you ask me!), the ship begins being attacked by huge tentacles that allso try to block Link's way out.
Soon after the ship is half sunken only lefting a small portion of the deck. Behind Link the door falls apart and the mighty Leviathan emerges from the dephts showing his ugly face and attacking the hero with his huge tentacles!
WOW! That seems pretty intense, you might think. Well...That's because it actually is! :D

I would explain on how to defeat this foe but I think you should all find out by yourselves, (hey! The piece is self explanatory!) by playing the game and have the same fun I had with it!
Overall Tentalus seemed an easy boss battle but thanks to the monster huge proportions, the grandiouse music and definitely the inovation of wiimotion plus helps this fight becoming an epic struggle that will definitely stay in your memory for times to come.

I did lots of sketches for this one, taking a while to get the final result.Another thing that took long enough was inking the pencil tracing because of all the details. And finally by the time I was colouring the beast in Photoshop I'd already lost an even bigger amount of time. So it took me something like 3 weeks or so (working some days on it and others don't) but I gotta say that I'm really happy with how it turnned out at the end!
So, please enjoy!
And leave your comments bellow!

The Legend of Zelda and all it's characters are a (C) and TM from Nintendo.
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AliceJigsaw's avatar

Really nice work! :D