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Tutorial - How to do white stray hairs



Hello awesome people! :wave:
A lot of you have been asking how I do white stray hairs and I promised a tutorial ... a long time ago! :ashamed: Well, better late than never right? ^^;
A big thanks to Angelic :iconangelic-yunie:. Rogue (from X-Men) was her suggestion and I think she was a perfect reference for this tutorial! (I hope you think the same! ;) )
And I can't believe I forgot to mention the name of the technique! :stupidme: Oh, God! Anyway it is called INDENTING!!!
UPDATE: I was informed that "impressed lines" is a more common name for the technique. Hope it is helpful!

Here is the finished artwork:

PS: If you can't see some images clearly, I can upload them in my scrap folder. Just tell me!
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2000x1959px 1.82 MB
© 2013 - 2024 Joanna-Vu
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JustSimone's avatar
Oh my, this is super smart! I always use a kneaded eraser, put you have to have lots of patience haha. I was only wondering, what if you smooth out the pencil? For example, by rubbing a paper or your finger over the surface, will the graphite fill up the lines?