Futuristic city 2JoakimOlofsson on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/joakimolofsson/art/Futuristic-city-2-317935457JoakimOlofsson

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Futuristic city 2

63.5K Views1 Collected Privately


Had fun drawing this one!

I don't do comissions anymore, sorry. But feel free to use all the paintings in my gallery as you like, except the "A Bird Story" painting. You don't have to ask me for permission and I don't have the paintings in my gallery in any higher resolution, sorry.
PS. I'm kinda busy nowadays so I probably won't write you back if you post a comment or send me a note.

Image size
1392x697px 447.82 KB
ยฉ 2012 - 2025 JoakimOlofsson
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