Wings - Photoshop Brushesjmb-visual-arts on DeviantArt

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Wings - Photoshop Brushes



Photoshop CS2 brushes
(they do not work with previous versions. They do work in versions newer than CS2 and with Photoshop Elements 7)

5 different brushes.

:bulletblue: If you use them:
Please give credit


Note about using the brushes:</u>

I'm often asked for help on how to use brush sets on Photoshop. To be honest, I do not have the time to make a tutorial, and, to be more honest, I don't really want to make one (I'm a pretty good user of Photoshop but if you take a look at my gallery you'll notice it's not exactly my usual tool of the trade ;))

However, within dA there are many tutorials that you can use to learn both the basics and also more advanced knowledge on almost every feature PS offers.

Personally, I recommend `nokari's Guide to PS Brushes that you can find here: [link]
© 2007 - 2025 jmb-visual-arts
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brewcitykev's avatar

Dope! Thank you for sharing!