JKSketchy on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jksketchy/art/Livestream-Logo-Petey-363547596JKSketchy

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JKSketchy's avatar

Livestream Logo: Petey




I plan to keep a schedule of streams available here for those who are interested in watching me draw.
My Livestream can be found here: new.livestream.com/accounts/34…

Edit: Join Me for commissions tonight if anyone's interested: secure.join.me/841-174-961

I'm having some troubles with Livestream at the moment so for now we're going to stick to join.me and see how it goes. I'll update this picture whenever I'm doing a join.me and put up the new link.

I lied when I said I didn't want to spam your inboxes with this notice. Just wanted to let you guys know that *BlackCatlove1 helped me get my Livestream working so I will be using that in the future.

Also if I'm working on your picture during the stream feel free to comment and tell me to change stuff. Well, actually everyone is free to do that, but this going especially for those who the picture is for.

I don't want to spam you guys with this picture every time I stream, so I'll just post the link on my page when I'm online. If there's something I'm working on that I think a lot of you would be interested in then I'll update this picture, but for now with prizes and commissions I'll be on in the mornings for anyone who's interested.



Weekday Mornings around 9:00 - 12:00ish UTC<br / />TBD
Image size
780x366px 78.79 KB
© 2013 - 2024 JKSketchy
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TarrotCake's avatar
haha wow this is from last year im lame

seriously still love the WIP idea :heart: