JKLind's avatar


Jared Lindquist
3 Deviations
Artist // Professional // Film & Animation
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Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (386)
Double Delicious Cake: But only half the calories! (2)
Silver Fragment: Setting the silver standard of greatness!
Mystery Egg: You submitted your 1st deviation, amazing! But what's this...? Something has magically appeared.
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (2)
My Bio

I've been working in the video game industry for 10 years, but have been drawing since I could hold a pencil. Game production can be maddening, so my personal work is done either to stave off the madness, or to embrace it.

About Commissions - I will announce when I'm open, which isn't often.  I'm very busy, whether from work or using my free time to catch up on personal projects, so please don't ask.

My next comic page is finally coming together, AND I also have something to show from my "Winds of Metamorphoses" side project that I'm not even sure if I've ever mentioned here... If I haven't, basically I'm trying to somewhat restore the widescreen presentation of Sanrio's Metamorphoses, using the U.S. "Winds of Change" VHS release, the Japanese "Orpheus of the Stars" laserdisc, two versions of the letterboxed French VHS, and bits of the Japanese trailer. It's... a whole thing. Plus it's a film I grew up with, so it's got that nostalgia factor.
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Earlier this year, I'd taken an interest in video/film preservation, as if I needed more side projects. The biggest of these took a fair amount of time, money, and effort, simply because it was a VHS tape from France. And at every turn, I'd determined that the production of that tape was a shit-show. It's actually kind of amazing how little care was put into it. One example - the audio loses sync with the video by quite a bit, over the course of the film. At first I thought that was a problem on my end, only to find out that that is how it is on the tape! For the most part, I've been focused on backing up tapes or laserdiscs that haven't been re-released on DVD or in HD. My list of tapes is pretty short, though, and I'm running out of laserdiscs as well. So if you have tapes or laserdiscs you want backed up - ones that haven't been re-released - then perhaps we can work something out.
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Enough people have asked - my comic isn't cancelled or abandoned, I just haven't had the time or energy to work on it in the past couple of years. I've posted about that before, so now I figured I'd talk about some changes, and what's ending up on the cutting room floor. https://www.daisysdiner.net/2024/09/delays/
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Profile Comments 880

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Happy Birthday!

so, um I know I might sound annoying, but would you be interested to draw twin sisters who are both wrestlers known as The Raijin sisters from eiken Together they are the co-presidents of the female wrestling club.

Rai (雷) is the ditzy and kind one of the sisters as well as the eldest, Rai prefers using holds and grapples to weaken her opponent. She wears white.

Den (電) is the more serious of the sisters and wears black. Den prefers power moves such as slams and Supplex to cripple her opponent.


here the link to see what their colors are latest (1024×768) (nocookie.net)

Did go back to the one of her breast reduction and caught her reference to making April 1st her personal holiday.  Sorry about that.

Finally got to 'Daisy's Diner'!  Enjoyed the old stuff as well as the new story pages!  Thank you!  However, I believe Daisy's breast reduction might have gone a bit overboard.

I know she's been carrying a pair of Mount Everest's for a long time.  But I think she would have looked better with a pair of mole hills and not just a couple of mosquito bites.  Just my take, sir.

No idea what you're talking about. If anything they've gotten bigger over the years.

Did catch that one piece where she did have the reduction operation.