Mystery and MayhemjkBATMANjk on DeviantArt

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jkBATMANjk's avatar

Mystery and Mayhem



:bulletpurple:Mystery and Mayhem...
This was my entry for a local bookmark contest, made at the last minute on the dute date :) (had to skip softball practice just to finish it).

:bulletpurple:Turns out that it won first place for the Middle School Category (yes, middle school. Not that I expect you to think that my age is more or less) out of OVER 9000 1000 entries total..

:bulletpurple:This design will be passed out to all 15 libraries in said county that was never mentioned (don't bother asking, wouldn't want any trolls at my front door all of a sudden).

:bulletpurple: excuse the small image, if I enlarge it anymore it would become blurry :aww:

Image size
140x373px 109.99 KB
© 2011 - 2025 jkBATMANjk
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Sinner-XXI's avatar
So which is she mayhem or mystery