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JiroKatsu's avatar

Akemis Catch of the Day



"Curse that damnable mage to the Hells and beyond!" said the man dressed in Isolon Fist armor as he walked through the thick jungles of Felarya, well and truly far away from the safety of Negav.

This was not an ideal place for any human to find themselves. When he returns to the city, he'll have that neko mages head for this!

.::15 Minutes Ago::.

It was a typical day for Gladrim Sichim, escorting a shipment of minerals from the mines back to Negav. A trip he'd made many times before, but today proved to be more troublesome than he had bargained. They were assaulted by a group of bandits on the way to Negav, nothing he'd not experienced before. During the ensuing battle, one of the Battle Mages assigned to the unit was with him during the attack. A woman whose name he couldn't be bothered to remember, with so many faces coming and going. All he remembered was the woman was a neko mage. And while the battle was going well enough, during the fighting, Gladrim felt something press up against his back as he was firing from behind cover. A hot breath followed the pressure on his ear as he heard the neko woman's voice whisper to him.

"Villright says hello," the mage whispered mischievously with a wicked glee.

Villright was his ex-wife. The pair split apart last year after she found out he was seeing another woman in his unit. The name made Gladrim's blood run cold. Before he could even react to the sudden name drop, a surge of arcane magic washed over him, and the world faded to white for a second. When he regained his sight, he was still knelt holding his rifle. But now, he was no longer in the area he recognized. The jungle around him looked nothing like the path they took to Negav. That neko make teleported him?! 'That bitch!!' he thought to himself as he stood up.


Gladrim walked through the massive roots of trees far too tall, with thick trunks rivaling some of the city's most prominent skyscrapers. Being this far from Negav made Gladrim understandably nervous, as the barrier surrounding Negav borders that kept dangerous Felaryan Giant Predators at bay now afforded him no protection. Even though he didn't know exactly where he was, it was far enough that his communication with his unit was utterly cut off. He was stuck out here on his own with no backup. As Gladrim fumbled through some thick brush, cursing his ex-wife's name, as he took a step out of the foilage, he realized too late that there was no ground for his foot to find purchase. As he put his weight down into his step, he tumbled forward, rolling off a steep decline, kicking up dirt before they came to a stop as he hit the ground below.

"Gods damn my luck today!" Gladrim yelled as he fumbled back to his feet.

He patted himself down as he checked his gear. His expression suddenly turned to worry. His rifle was missing. He searched for his weapon franticly, crawling around on the ground as small rocks and brush were pulled up and thrown aside. His face lit up when Gladrim saw the gun lying on the ground not far away. He would have thanked the gods, but then Gladrim noticed something else that made him go wight as a ghost. His rifle lay before a giant form lying on the ground, sleeping away the hours. A dark-skinned colossal woman, easily over a hundred feet tall, lay on her stomach, her far too long golden locks spread around her like a makeshift blanket.

Gladrim stared in wide-eyed disbelief. His throat went dry almost immediately. He felt a cold sweat as he realized he was standing before what was more than likely a giant man-eater. And neither his squad nor the protective barrier around Negav would help him out of this. Right now, his only saving grace was the giantess was fast asleep. Thankfully Gladrim's fall didn't stir her from her slumber. But the issue now was that his gun found itself wedged between the ground and the giant woman's left breast as it pressed into the earth below her titanic form.

Gladrim stared at the rifle, half buried under the giant tit as the end with the barrel was sticking outwards, pointing up at an odd angle to the woman's weight pressing down on the but of the gun. He could just leave right now. . . leave and let sleeping dogs lay. That was what he told himself. But at the same time, that was his only hard-hitting weapon that had enough punch to at least give a giant predator a moment of pause. Without it, all he had was his sidearm, a pistol. His pistol would typically be more than enough against smaller targets closer to human size without armor. But his dinky little handgun wouldn't even tickle this giant woman's skin.

Even if he avoided this giant predator, others would likely be out there. Gulping, Gladrim gingerly made his way over to the sleeping form of the enormous woman. As he drew near, he felt her hot breath wash over his body as he had to pass by her sleeping face. Every time she breathed and exhaled, it was like a strong wind slamming into his body. He nearly lost his balance and tumbled to the ground a few times just from having to walk through her breath. But he managed to keep his footing long enough to make it past the woman's face.

Moving closer to her breast, Gladrim could feel the warmth radiating from the giant body that he had to find somehow a means to dislodge his weapon from underneath. Though every part of him was screaming at him to leave, he reluctantly reached out and gripped the rifle in both hands, taking care to remain out of the gun barrel's path. He gave a tug on the gun to see how stuck it was. With a low grunt, Gladrim realized it was stuck fast under this mound of flesh. Looking up at the wall of tanned skin that rose and fell with every breath the giantess took, Gladrim pressed the right side of his back against the giant breast as he gripped the rifle and began to pull on the weapon while pushing against the softness of the massive mound. The soldier's body does sink into the breast ever so slightly as she tries to push enough of the flesh away from the rifle to allow it to be pulled free.

.::Akemi Stirs::.

It had been a slow day, as the giant shapeshifter was running low on energy. Akemi had not managed to capture anything all day. And there was no delicious fairy in sight. With her energy reserves running low, the titanic woman eventually stopped to rest. Hopefully, her energy reserve would have charged at least a little after a nap. Laying down on her stomach, Akemi rested her head on her forearm as she drifted off to slumber.

. . .  . . .

After an hour or so of sleep, the giantess slowly returned to the waking world. Akemi felt a strange pressure on her breast that called her from the realm of dreams. As she lazily opened up one sizeable green eye, she glanced around groggily as she slowly began to move.

.::Gladrim's Surprise::.

Little by little, Gladrim could feel the rifle slowly losing as he pulled and twisted it. He managed to get the weapon freed from its prison, finally pulling it loose and stumbling forward several steps before stopping. Whipping his brow with his forearm, Gladrim sighed, relieved that that ordeal was finally over. He was ready to pat himself on the back for a job well done but froze as his body locked up when he heard the sounds of a gargantuan form move from behind him. Slowly turning around, Gladrim peered up as the gargantuan maiden rose to her elbows and looked around the area with a sleepy gaze. While he probably would be running at this point, the fear that struck him caused his body to lock up. He had never been part of any unit engaged with these giant monsters, so he had no experience dealing with them.

As the fair-haired giant scanned the area with a half-hearted effort, it seemed as though she was ready to settle back into her nap. But Gladrim's grip on his rifle loosened in his paralyzed state, and the gun fell to the ground at his feet with a clatter. The noise was enough to draw the attention of the giant predator as she turned to peer down directly at Gladrim with those large green eyes. Gladrim's heart jumped as he felt the hungry stare looming over him. With a burst of adrenaline, his fight-or-flight instincts finally overpowered his fear as he made a blind panic run for it.

.::Akemi's Turn of Luck::.

Akemi raised her head as she propped herself up from her laying position on her elbows. Still half asleep, the giant glanced around the area for any oddities or signs of movement. She hadn't quite gotten much of her energy back yet, so she was still feeling tired. After not seeing anything right off hand, Akemi closed her eyes again as she prepared to lay back down and return to her nap. But then the giantess heard a sound off to her side. Turning her head and looking down beside her, Akemi's eye's lit up as she spied a human man standing there beside her breast. As she leaned in, her large maw opened wide to greet its new guest. But the human then tried to take off running away. And Akemi simply didn't have the energy to give chase to such a small fleeing target in the jungle right now. So, she instead reached around and gripped one of the smaller trees in the area as she pulled herself forward and made a lunging precision strike with her secret weapon.

Akemi's long tongue shot from her gaping maw toward her target. Snaking their way around the tiny human, they gasped in surprise when their progress was suddenly halted by a warm, wet, fleshy tendril wrapped around their body and lifted the human skywards. His legs and feet kicked helplessly in the air as the tongue tightly pinned his arms to her side as the human could do little more than watch himself be drawn closer to the giant woman and her open mouth. The man let out a scream as Akemi's tongue retracted back into her mouth, dragging with it the human. She heard him spout several curses and insults, but she didn't pay them any mind. Nothing she had not already heard hundreds of times.

Within seconds, the man was pulled entirely into her mouth before she closed it around his tiny body. She did take a moment to savor the taste of the human, swishing them around in her mouth several times, much to the man's great dismay. After a few minutes of this, she does lean her head back, and with an audible gulping noise, Akemi swallowed the human whole.

.::Gladrim's Horror::.

Terror was the only thing that Gladrim felt as she slid down the slippery tube that was this woman's esophagus. He flailed about with his arms and legs, trying to stop his descent, but it was all for not. With a wet slapping noise, Gladrim is deposited into the stomach of this giant predator, landing in a pool of juices that quickly coated his body. Scrambling back up to his hands and knees, the soldier looked around franticly in the pick black darkness surrounding him. He fumbled with one of his pouches as he took out a light stone and activated it by smacking it against his palm once. As the light stone illuminated the darkness, his heart sank as he saw nothing but fleshy walls coated with stomach juices all around him.

As the realization set in, Gladrim quickly began to panic as she tried to find any means of escaping this prison. He removed his handgun from his side and fired all of his shots into the fleshy walls. But all the bullets stopped dead when they met the elastic walls of the giant woman's stomach and harmlessly slid down into the juices coalescing at Gladrim's base. When that didn't work, Gladrim started to beat against the walls of this giant's stomach, yelling and cursing as he did so.

"Curse you, Villright!!! Curse your damned soul to hell!! When I get out of here, I'll send you there myself, you which!!! When I get my hands around your scrawny neck, you will know the feeling of genuine terror!!! Do you hear me!!?"

Gladrim continued to scream as the gurgling noises around him grew louder with each passing moment as the woman's stomach began the digestion process, eager to process its new tenant.

.::Akemi's Pleasent Nap::.

Akemi let out a yawn as she does feel the struggling human inside her stomach. She could vaguely make out some screaming, but she quickly pushed that aside. With a smile, she lay back down, resting her head on her arms as she drifted back into a peaceful slumber while she digested her snack. Maybe today wasn't so bad after all, she thought to herself.


. . .

. . .

. . .

What? I ain't dead yet. I've been busy with life and stuff. But figured I better post something before another two year gap hit me in the face.
So, I tried going all out on this one. Complete with a story. To everyone who still actually bother's watching the undead dA page, thanks for sticking around.
I hope you enjoy.
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© 2022 - 2025 JiroKatsu
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Leena-Crimson-Terror's avatar

Leena was wondering how she missed this and now she sees that neither French, Vad or Dave added it to the group. Tsk the more things change the more they stay the same. ;p  Still she had a pleasant time reading the story and is very happy to see Akemi around terrorizing little lost humans in the jungle again!