Jin-Saotome's avatar


John Mallamas
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Artisan Crafts
Heart: Love is in the air, someone is thinking of you! (1)
Hype: You got hyped up! (1)
Emerald: It's a great honor to be awarded an Emerald badge! (1)
Gold Bar: Someone thinks you’re golden! (1)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio

That customizing guy, Jin Saotome! I create custom action figures, collectibles, and more. Sorry but I'm not taking commissions at the moment, I only have time to make a couple of customs each week that I sell through ebay. You can see what's available through my site each week tho.

Favourite Movies
Army of Darkness! Bruce Campbell is the man.
Favourite Games
Tag. No really, tag you're it. Now run!
Tools of the Trade
Aves Studio's Apoxie Sculpt. With enough of it I can rule this world.
Other Interests
Superhero, sculpture, custom works, action figures, experimenting with new products
Hey, hello there! It's been a while since I've used DeviantArt. Almost two years have passed and I have...um....24k notifications sitting in my inbox. There wasn't one specific reason I stopped using DA to be truthful, just a lot of little things that caused me to be disinterested in the overall experience here. One was the constant "you can't do that without a premium membership" and another was the constant complaining by artists here. Yeah, the artists, not the critiquers. I also decided I didn't want to be known as "That guy with a DeviantArt page" as it was beginning to be a stigmata with that kind of attention foisted upon users. The...
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Hey, woah, I should probably update my journal more often! Just got back from the Nashville Comic-Con and had a blast! I'm hoping to get a booth there next year. If that works out you all can drop by and watch me work, I'll have tables set up where myself and others will be customizing on-site. There's not a ton more I have to update in the Journal here other than asking you to check out my most recent deviations to see the newest customs I've created and head on over to my website http://www.jinsaotomesdangeroustoys.com/ for other goodies like guides, tutorials, and product links!
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Hey everyone! I'd just like to take a moment to let you know about an Ebay charity action I'm holding for my custom 7" Gipsy Danger action figure from Pacific Rim. 100% of the proceeds go towards the Special Olympics, an organization that helps enrich the lives of individuals with mental disability through activities and sports. Not only will you be helping the Special Olympics' awesome cause but you'll be getting a one-of-a-kind customized action figure! Gipsy's articulation has been completely modified so he's super articulated and now comes with magnetic removable chain swords, plasma caster hand, and the ELBOW ROCKET attachment, all of...
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Profile Comments 2.4K

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hey john have you heard of the tabletop game gaslands? :3

Just checking to see if you were still here or if you had gone away?

could you make a figure of

beast wars Ice cream by soldierettes


hey john are you there? :3

my brother set me up with a bunch of tools so maybe i could make my own customs that would be cool :3

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