Current Residence: Hamilton Ontario
Favourite genre of music: classical/rock
Favourite style of art: manga/anthropomorphic
Operating System: WIn 7
MP3 player of choice: none, i don't have one ! how old school!
Favourite cartoon character: Mr. Fujisawa
Personal Quote: Yepper
I have a few of the earliest elf lord & samurai (the ones with the laminated covers) though, I'm still upset someone stole my copy of Nymphettes: v. 1: The Erotic Elfin Art of Barry Blair haven't been able to find a copy reasonably priced since >_< oh, the life of running a small press comics shop...
one of the biggest regrets I have is never having met Barry or getting a commission before he passed but, atleast the books still exist hard as some are to find now...
wishing you luck in finding it. love and miss Barry he had a great style (as do you) and would love to see some physical Elf Lord collections down the road if possible.
hiya, I asked Anthony but, the original script is long gone. the full book is available digitally here:
and I still have physical copies available as well though I may be doing reprints in the near future.
I'm pretty sure most of the original art for the series has been sold by Ben- there may be a few random pages available but I know he sold most long ago.