Current Residence: Hamilton Ontario
Favourite genre of music: classical/rock
Favourite style of art: manga/anthropomorphic
Operating System: WIn 7
MP3 player of choice: none, i don't have one ! how old school!
Favourite cartoon character: Mr. Fujisawa
Personal Quote: Yepper
Hi Jim, this is Justin, not sure if remember me, we went to General Brock in Burlington 😀 Hope doing good? I had bought those Ninja High School comics from you when we were at that high school, sadly lost them in a fire in 2008 🥺. Hope to hear back from you. Hard to believe it’s been 26 years since last saw you lol.
Hi Jim, I saw you in front of your apartment today, thanks for the comics and see you next Con!
Thank you for visiting my site! Could I offer you a story to read?
Jim, can you contact me as soon as you can?
I enjoyed #178. Got two other Antarctic books today too (Gold Digger and Jungle)
hey, I got a comic co-written by you today. What a twist!