Beatrix ponified (Final Fantasy IX)Jimmytrius on DeviantArt

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Beatrix ponified (Final Fantasy IX)



Here is a ponified version of General Beatrix, one of my favorite characters from one of my favorite games: Final Fantasy IX :D

It's been a while since I had the time to draw something and I had this on my mind for months, so I'm glad I finally did it ^^

I choosed vectors because I'm still afraid of messing everything up in the manual coloring process, and I didn't want to upload another b&w drawing... maybe for my next doodle :$

Also, I'm sorry for her dull, rigid stance and the absence of her magnificent sword, but I had troubles drawing her the way I wanted >.<

Well, I hope you like it :P
Image size
2087x2465px 513.39 KB
© 2012 - 2025 Jimmytrius
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PegasuShinig's avatar
I will create a icon for my games :3