Deviation Actions
Howdy! You goofy friends!
"Kamikaze Kits: Models You Can Only Build Once!",
Commissioned me to provide an image of their soon-to-be-released
Veeblefitzer/Yokosuka VP11Y "Super Frances" Imperial Japanese Navy
High-performance attack bomber, in 1/32nd scale.
Pictured are Super Frances' attacking the American USN fleet during
the "Battle of Komodo Island".
In the foreground, or foresea, part of the illustration, we witness a
Super Frances braving intense enemy flak, while ejaculating its single
massive ship-killer self-guided-sonar guided-super torpedo, that had
an 85% accurate hit-rate(!!!).
In the midground, or midsea, part of the illustration, we witness
Super Frances' being destroyed by potent enemy defenses!
In the far distance, we see a gigantic tsunami onrushing, to wipe-out
everything, due to a nasty asteroid impact in the Western Pacific Ocean.
Note the USN aircraft carrier in the far distance on the right side of
the illustration, sliding up the onrushing mountain of sea!!!
For some odd reason, Kamikaze Kits declined my offering (???!!!).
- Professor Anton Veeblefitzer