JillySB on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jillysb/art/Simba-355381463JillySB

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JillySB's avatar




R.I.P My little one, it's not been an easy 4 months for us, with losing our Doberman in October and then losing our 19 year old cat yesterday 19th Nov 1993 - 19th Feb 2013. She had kidney failure :( we had her put to sleep because it had taken its toll on her and she was thin and couldn't get around. She was wobbly and didn't have the strength to walk, this once proud cat was reduced to not even cleaning herself and she began to have no control of her body functions, so we thought it was the kindest thing to do. She is now on Rainbow bridge with her Soloman whom she loved very much.
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© 2013 - 2024 JillySB
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Sydney-Fein's avatar
she is a pretty old kitty' but with age comes wisdom.
I know she must be still romping around you still