JillTisbury on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jilltisbury/art/Sparticus-188686404JillTisbury

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Support: Hanhenmhule velour
Medium: Pastel

Original reference image supplied by CreamRibbons.

I loved this image and was delighted when the owner allowed me to use it as reference. I don't know the cats name, but at a recent show the audience came up with the name Sparticus!

The two main things that struck me about the image are the way the light is captured and the cats expression. He has a large scar on his nose and a couple of people have asked why it wasn't painted out, but that's intrinsicly part of his character.
He has a particular 'feel sorry for me' look in this pose. Ah bless!

Anyway hope you like...
Image size
900x912px 151.5 KB
© 2010 - 2024 JillTisbury
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Lexicon2008's avatar
From the preview image, I thought that this was a real photo! This is a spectacular picture, you work amazing with pastels!