Jibodeah on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jibodeah/art/breakcopyright-150405123Jibodeah

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Daily Deviation

January 21, 2010
:breakcopyright: by =Jibodeah with a smooth animation, and great outcome shows us, what happens to people who don't respect copyrights!
Featured by mintyy
Suggested by PatrickRuegheimer
Jibodeah's avatar




What happens when you ignore the © sign. You get a ! and become !BannedDeviantWhoStupidlyBrokeCopyright. Yes I know that name is too long. That's so that nobody can create an account with that name and claim I am bulling them. :|

You see that "© =Jibodeah 2010"? Well don't break that one either, or any others. There doesn't have to be a © symbol to show it's copyrighted. The © is just there to inform/warn you.

Don't be the green emote. You'll sink into the floor and die! :noes:

Image size
40x26px 47.08 KB
© 2010 - 2024 Jibodeah
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riccassley's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

Sometimes, I have no idea of critiquing any masterpieces but after I see this awesome emoticon, I begin to have many thoughts about this.

First of all, I really love this emoticon not only because it is awesome and cute, but it also has nice, suitable colours and easily to be understand by the people.

I can say that this can be a reminder to all people here about what will be happen if any person breaks copyright law on dA.
It clearly explains that all people in dA should follow all rules here, including the copyright law. Unfortunately, there are some people who breaks the law, which could resulting to their ban by the staff.

Finally, I just can summarize that this is so amazing.