Jianre-M on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jianre-m/art/Artistic-Compulsion-Page-15-550610832Jianre-M

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Artistic Compulsion - Page 15



Sorry for the long delay on this, hopefully I'll have more pages coming, but since they're a little 'off-the-cuff' more than strictly planned, I can't promise how often or quickly I'll have more... ^^;

Also, for those of you who are confused by the number, and the last two comics (the ones that switched to color) those were actually responsible in part for the delay as I got stuck on part of that storyline. So I've put that down as a side-story (which it was intended to be anyway) and I'm continuing the main randomness while I work out the issues.

>> This is what I call a 'quickie' comic, I take a little time to neaten lines and ink them, but without a lot of detail, and I won't be coloring them like FF Cosplay. These are just for fun mostly, so please excuse the bad perspective and inconsistencies. Wink/Razz <<
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ScreamingLama's avatar
Woo Hoo! So great to see these again. Looking forward to more. XD