Jian89 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jian89/art/The-beauty-569883329Jian89

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Jian89's avatar

The beauty



:new: the seal brown won

A picture I wanted to do for a very long time. A real, pure realistic headshot painting. I picked the Arabian because I find it such an elegant breed.
It's also the first time I actually painted a greyscale like this, instead of just going color by color. Started with placing my black and white base. to then go on with the ears, jump to the nose, then to the eyes. Finish the head to then fight with the neck and then kill the manes :XD: Still don't like the manes, but I think I made the mistake with making ùy base to dark there. (idiot me used a bay for mane reference ... should have picked chestnut)

Anyway, I am very pleased with the outcome of this (except the manes then) and I am surprised how fast I could do it. I had expected to have a worktime of 1h on it, yet it was already as good as done after 6h.

art (c) Jian89
Time: 6+ hours
This piece is copyrighted to jian89.deviantart.com
You have no right to copy, trace, save, manipulate, edit or to use this piece in any way without my personal writen permission. any breaking of this shall be punished by the copyright law
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2230x1500px 2.71 MB
© 2015 - 2024 Jian89
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DarKestcreagirl's avatar
This is incredibly done! I need to see if I can put in the time to attempt a realistic painting and see how it goes. XD My art tends to have its own mind.... XD