Geekdom Mainstream at Victoria's Secret?

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JiaJem's avatar

So there's this popular runway show called Victoria Secret!  Were you aware of this tacky underwear show disguised as a high-fashion artistic display?  (If you are a cosplayer, by golly you are aware!) It's really an elaborate ploy for non-listed designers (please someone prove me wrong, cuz they deserve mad props) to create amazing cosplay WINGS AND MORE WINGS, as featured above from their 2011 show.   Don't get me wrong, I love the wings.  WINGS!  They are a cosplayer's dream come true. (Style Channel, why aren't you doing a big fat special on these wings.)  But for Victoria Secret's 2012's Runway Show, I saw a little something - in the background of a pic... WHAT IS THAT IN THE UPPER RIGHT CORNER---

It was Worth a Google, and I found it!  And what are my feelings!!  I don't know!!!

For those who don't know one of the top influential and top grossing anime's of all time  and the character Rei Ayanami, well now you know.  And now you know it was on the Victoria's Secret 2012 Hotties of the Hot Hotness Runways. (Oh yeah, I also worked on a Rei Ayanami plugsuit to match my own, 6 years ago!)

Feelings, fellow nerds?  I admit, I was pretty excited to see geekdom finally represented mainstream, at a Victoria's Secret Show, which pretty much reads mainstrieam as SOMETHING I WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH. Which - let's admit it - is a foreign, awkward feeling for those on the fringe of mainstream.  Seeing this on the runway for me feels validating, weirdly.  I can't explain it.  Can you?  But at the same time... it's not like they did anything innovative with the original design at all.  It wasn't "influenced".  It was ripped off.  It was SEXY HALLOWEENIFIED.  They cut out the boobs and put it on a grown woman, like a "sexy bee" or a "sexy cop" or a "sexy whatever of your choice, just make sure there's boobs".  (Although, the fact that in the series Rei is 14 and many runway models are also 14 might be a subversive statement.)

Do you think they just threw it out there for the geeks, because COMIC CON IZ SO POPULAR NOW, OMGZ EXCLAMATION POINTS???? It makes me wonder.

Comments?  I don't really know what to think as a nerd that has loved this show since I was 14 myself.  On one hand, glad to see geekdom get more exposure.  But, how many people in the audience actually got it?  And does it matter?

And most importantly, when can I buy the Rei Support Angel Bra.  I mean come on, now. Haha get it, ANGEL.
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ChickenSushi13's avatar
I was pretty much like, Holy shitballs!, when I saw it. In a good way.