jht888 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jht888/art/Mouth-Tutorial-406863046jht888

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Mouth Tutorial



This is a step by step tutorial on how I do my mouths on my paintings following my eye and nose tutorials. I have broken it down to as many steps as I can so you can see how and in what order I paint. The final step in the picture is what the painting would look like before I add any texturing to it to make it realistic.

Thank you for taking the time to view this and I hope that this might help some of you a little, and thank you for all those who commented on my Eye, Nose, Hair and ear Tutorial (below with an example of how it would fit into a full portrait. :squee:)


I hope you all like it :) If you have time please leave a comment, fav it or add me to your Watch list
Image size
3508x4961px 3.16 MB
© 2013 - 2024 jht888
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Polysiert's avatar

Thank you so much! I really have a big problem while painting mouth. This is very helpful!