Back in 2k' - I AM LEGIONJhoCorrea on DeviantArt

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Back in 2k' - I AM LEGION



Lara Croft is more iconic than any other female game character and you'll have to deal with it really quickly. Britney Spears Piece of Me 

So... My Back in(insert year here) is a throwback to the classic series and it's 20 anniversary. So I PLAN (ONLY PLAN) on doing one render for each game..
this one is obviously from Chronicles.

It was rendered in 3Ds Max and edited in Photoshop CC...


It was based on this original pic realesed to promote the game:…

The model was created by ViCt0RXD 
and the roses are from 'Dishonored-The Brigmore Witches DLC " -…
Background was created using a bunch of photos and some from my own personal archive.
The pedestal was modeled by me :D
Hope you like it as much as I loved making it. And let me know what y'all think in the comments? Got any ideas for future renders from my "back to" series? Let me knowBritney Spears Are you suuure? 
Image size
1001x1638px 1.66 MB
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More iconic than Samus?