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Conan issue 6 page 18 walkthrough



So here's my issue 6 walkthrough. There was a problem in the script's page count that was caught in the layout stage and I wound up with an extra page to play with in this last sequence. The editors showed an incredible amount of trust and asked me to just make Conan kill a few more guys on the way to rescuing his lady. As tempting as that was I wanted to do something with the storytelling from the earlier run and bookend what Becky (Cloonan) had done in the first issue.
In Becky's issue where Conan escapes the guards in Messantia he does this huge jump from the dock to a nearby ship. It was a great moment, and Becky drew the shit out of it. I wanted to call back that moment at the beginning of the Messantia arc and have Conan make that huge leap, this time not for himself, but for love (corny i know, but I'm a romantic). Brian wrote some great character stuff with Conan and I was hoping to enhance it without re-writing the script. And they let me do it! I'm waaaay too lucky a guy to be trusted like that this early in my career.

As for the materials here; it's the usual ballpoint on 8x11 printer paper for layouts, than blue pencil, than inks, and than Dave Stewart colors the friggin' shit out of it. You can see how late in the game it took me to figure out where the hell I was putting that other leg.
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JAndrewRutledge's avatar
 Love the motion here.