JHarren on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jharren/art/BPRD-The-Long-Death-pg-5-walkthrough-286430444JHarren

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BPRD The Long Death pg 5 walkthrough



Here's a walkthrough from issue one of BPRD: The Long Death. This begins with the sketch that inspired the scene. I sent the first doodle to John Arcudi (the writer) as a lark and he said something along the lines as "Great, that'll be the opening scene."
So if that isn't proof that you have the greatest job, I'm not sure what is.
For the rest:
I do layouts on 8x11 computer paper. I do pencils pretty quick in blue. Pencils are a rubbish stage for me. I can't spend hours petting a drawing with an impermanent tool. Comics are birthed in ink. And Dave finishes by coloring the friggin' hell out of it!

*download for the full view.
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Onikaizer's avatar
comics are birthed in ink will be my new motto. Incredible process