Persodivergent Pride Flag (2)jfifles on DeviantArt

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jfifles's avatar

Persodivergent Pride Flag (2)



Persodivergent, also known as interdivergent, is an all-encompassing term for those with personality disorders, including those with PDNOS, and those with traits of a PD, but no conclusive label.

Both terms are interchangeable, and mean the same thing.

The symbol for this is ≠, because those who are interdiverse are not equivalent to the ‘typical’ personality.persodivergent comes from ‘personality divergent’, while interdivergent comes from ‘internally divergent’. the opposite of persodivergent would be persotypical, and the opposite of interdivergent would be intertypical.…
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librarian-of-hell's avatar

Huh, I would actually love this as a means to ditch the "disorder" terminology (which is dehumanizing, like most things the MH industry does).