Hello my name is "Jezzamon!" aka Jeremy! I'm a student-aged guy and my main thing I do in life is programming pretty much! I also play videogames and guitar, and make music and art stuff occasionally. It's pretty fun.
Hello friends! If you want to see my latest games, check out jezzamon.itch.io!
For more updates, can you follow me on twitter, I'm @jezzamonn (twitter.com/jezzamonn)
Yep, I'll be entering it again this year! I'll upload my finished game here when done, but if you want to see the game as I work on it, follow me on Twitter (@jezzamonn), because I'll post links there! I won't post the WIPs on DeviantArt just because I'd rather focus my time on game-devving
I made a game called BounceBot about a month ago. Here's the source code for it!https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2963538/Games/BounceBot/BounceBot%20Source.zip