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Jezebells-Angel's avatar

Expressing love



A re-submit, hopefully it'll still be as successful.
This image was NOT ABOUT SEX, but about the art in love and intimacy. It is not a pornographic shot, but an asrtistic expression on emotions beyond human words.
Quote from that night "We were so close I barely felt we were two separate people" - I hope this emotion comes across in this image.
Image size
2056x1389px 354.52 KB
Canon PowerShot SD600
Shutter Speed
1/10 second
Focal Length
6 mm
Date Taken
May 18, 2007, 10:42:57 AM
© 2007 - 2025 Jezebells-Angel
anonymous's avatar
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BlackrockLegacies's avatar
it is not about sex? I think, when I say sex, you think, that word means something else. but like, male patternings for sexuality color these in expression,
it is not, not, just male to know and show? or learn? no look, what made sense, you thought sex wasn't holy?
I can see that, you thought it meant porn. great sex isn't porn, 'poor don't show me' pór no graph y, you get that? try not denying it's about sex, when sex is cool

they look like they're having fun