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Clare's Story: A Yellow Gijinka Nuzlocke 19



Current team:
Clare/ Pikachu
Annabelle/ Pidgeotto
Seth/ Sanshrew
Natalie/ Nidorina
Virgil/ Charmeleon
(Not officially on the team)Adela/ Ivysaur

Glenn/ Rattata

Other characters on this page:
Cecelia/ Nidoqueen/ Clare's adoptive mother
Foster siblings/ Clare's little bros and sistas
Professor Samuel Oak/ Owes Clare's team SilphSuits
Daisy oak/ Pursuing Master's Degree in Genetics from Pallet University

This page is long overdue, and I thank you for your patience!

We're almost done with the Cerulean arc, and can finally move on to bigger and better things! That means more plot, and new characters! I'm really excited to show them all to you at a reasonable pace!(not a year, hopefully). Also, PLEASE EXCUSE THE MUSHY SQUISHY STUFF TOWARDS THE BEGINNING OF THIS UPDATE. A lot of things have changed in a year, and I am so embarrassed by that stupid flirty banter(Seth you are such a hound dog)

Cameos include Feymark 's Leon from his nuzlocke, Children of the Sky link here:

~Stella is a shiny Staryu. I thought those colors went well with her more than the regular palette, and since Yellow version doesn't designate shiny status, I felt it was my artistic freedom and duty to make her that way :)
~ Misty is one of the few human gym leaders that keeps her gijinka in pokeballs. They don't object to this at all, and actually idolize her as their trainer, so it all works out. Most gijinka find being kept in pokeballs to be degrading, but if the bond between trainer and gijinka is strong enough, this is no problem. The key is   m u t u a l   r e s p e c t.
~Don't touch a gijinka's gijinka spots if you know what's good for you.
~We're finally seeing Clare renounce some of her cover-up tendencies, now that she's gotten some recognition. In many areas such as Pallet and Viridian, gijinka are not respected by humans(who hold about 75% of the population). However, being viewed as a respected battler is a high status accomplishment, and many gijinka battlers proudly wave their gijinka traits.
~BATTLE ETIQUETTE: gijinka initiate battles in their human form, and usually stick to that, but as the stakes grow higher, battle forms are allowed during league ordained encounters. It's loud, flashy, and exciting! Unfortunately, many humans fear battle forms, and so they are illegal during regular encounters.
~I'm literally crying by the amount of support and acknowledgement of my nuzlocke. I will try to update on a more regular basis! I missed the nuzlocke community so much!


A link to the nuzlocke forums:…
A link to Team Clare's Tumblr:
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gigacanno's avatar
Me:*shivers in fear* Gyarados.