stock rules

2 min read

Deviation Actions

jettstock's avatar
NOTE on 12/18/11: I'm almost never on the computer/internet anymore, so if I don't respond to your note/comment or it takes me forever to fave something you've made with my stock, please don't be offended. I still appreciate all the faves etc, and I'm hoping to get the opportunity to take more pony pictures this spring/once I get my camera fixed, but my responses may be limited.

First of all, THANK YOU for using (or favoriting or commenting on) my stock. I generally do not respond to faves or generic comments like "hey, I like this!", but I DO appreciate every one of them. (If you ask a question, I will try to respond.)


  • pretend my pictures are yours
    • (which means no re-uploading to flickr, dA,, etc)
  • ask permission to use one of my images (I'm giving it to you right here!)

    • in comments on dA

    • on image outside of dA
  • note me with a link to your finished work (I fave them all!)

  • use for whatever site you want - RPG, SIM, or anything else
  • use one of my unedited images for your SIM animal or RP character, as long as you do not remove my credit tag (or add one for the older pictures I didn't put a tag on already)
  • use my stock commercially or in prints
    • exception: the admin of may not use my images for their banners (yes this is a grudewank)
  • use my stock to make brushes, textures, patterns, or other resources
    • please credit in the artist's comments wherever you upload, but use is otherwise unrestricted for this purpose

If you need the original photo (without the tag) for whatever reason (tag covers up a part you want, etc), leave a comment and I'll see if I can get it to you. I have the originals of pretty much everything but the really old stuff.
© 2010 - 2024 jettstock
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slayingallhumans's avatar
Read and accepted your rules. I will be using this lovely poodle stock  poodle 2 by jettstock  as a drawing reference for a poodle char of mine, and will link you her ref on the image itself once complete :D