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App: Thyme Competitor



My character entry for the Auroris OCT

Thyme Kilwillie
Age: 26
Gender Identity: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 5 foot 2 inches
Occupation: Counseling psychologist
Personality: Thyme is to a fault objective, extremely practical and logical. She always speaks in a straightforward manner, and somehow manages to be politely blunt. She is still a welcoming sort of person, she simply lives by a logically approached code for how to live happily, and believes it starts with appreciating yourself, which is the core of her method of therapy. She is always open with how she feels and what she thinks, but never shares information about others. She makes herself available to anyone on the ship, at any time, if one needs to talk something out or needs help.
Likes/Dislikes: Thyme enjoys spending her time thinking on the more abstract qualities of life, in attempt to further understand the human psyche. She enjoys companionship with others, but in large groups, is happiest being a spectator, with the occasional conversation. She is a fan of sitting in silence with music or writing poetry to remind herself of the good things in life.
She dislikes manipulators, and cockiness. She hates that she's never known what it feels like to stand on an actual planet, and that by the time she does will have lived out the larger portion of her lifetime.
History: Thyme's parents were the type who held no true sympathy for the problems of others, believing that any problem can be solved by sucking it up and just pushing forward. Thyme holds this belief as well, yet she's more understanding on what can hold a person back and does not see it as a flaw to complain or be fearful of problems. In her youth, she was quickly realized by her peers to be trustworthy, never taking part in gossip or sharing things told to her in good faith. She didn't grow up having any truly close friends, but she was fine with this, she came to find happiness in being able to help others when she noticed she was often sought after for advice.
Once she began her studies into psychology, she began to see a direct link in how the mental well-being in cared for pokemon helps aid those under stress or who are afflicted with mental illness. Now that she's working in counseling she spends a large portion of her time on a thesis about this link.
Relationships: n/a atm
Additional Notes:  OC Tumblr

---- POKEMON ----
Name: Ego
Gender: Male
Species: Sableye
Nature: Lax
Ability: Own Tempo
Size: See app
Attacks:Calm Mind, Dark Pulse, Psychic, Protect
Personality: Ego is extremely sweet, playful and idealistic, so much so that he can sometimes not comprehend how anyone could ever feel down, despite his best efforts, and in turn may seem as though he doesn't care, when nothing saddens him more then his own lack of understanding.
Extras: He is Thyme's assistant in therapy. His diet consists of a synthesised form of the smi-precious gem, peridot which on Earth is found on meteorites, as well as around Mars and the Moon. Unlike other sableye who's gaze may disturb people, Ego's seems to have a calming effect, and can even semi-hypnotize someone into a relaxed state if his eyes begin to glow. He was named after Carl Jung's term, meaning the center of one's consciousness which lies within the center of one's personality or self.

Name: Entropy
Gender: Male
Species: Scrafty
Nature: Bashful
Ability: Scrappy
Size: see app
Attacks: High Jump Kick, Focus Punch, Torment, Crunch
Personality: Entropy suffers from cronic depression and anxiety, deeply insecure and painfully bashful. He finds comfort in Thyme's and Ego's help and friendship.
Extras: He was named after a Jungian term used to describe a state of mind where one doesn't accept the energies from outside sources, thus causing mental unwellness within. He has proven to be a capable fighter, despite being his own worst rival, when put in a fight setting, he is somehow able to blur everything else out, Thyme hopes to somehow use battles to bring the capable side of him out to rid him of his unwell state of mind.
Image size
800x1343px 311.19 KB
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lilnillasundae's avatar
that's sableye *A* what a cutie patootie!!!