Current Residence: Edinboro
Favourite genre of music: Ska, rock n'roll, jazz, classical symphony, musical numbers, and many more.
Operating System: Windows7 Pro
MP3 player of choice: Sony Walkmen
Favourite cartoon character: Flash and The Question from JLU, and a ton of others
Personal Quote: "...if that makes any sense."
Favourite Movies
Fantasia, Gaslight, Cats don't dance, Treasure planet, The Incredibles, Little Nemo...other
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
The Hives, Vampire Weekend, The Fratellis, Five Iron Frenzy
Favourite Games
Myst(all three...tho' I think there's a fourth, hmm).
Other Interests
Pixar, drawing, cartoons, comics, painting, daydreaming and other such things.