Q-Shin - Chapter 1 page 1jessthedragoon on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/jessthedragoon/art/Q-Shin-Chapter-1-page-1-996318002jessthedragoon

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Q-Shin - Chapter 1 page 1



This is an unfinished manga I did way back when (college freshman days? I think?). I was clearing out my stuff when I discovered this chucked in a file breeding mold. Since I was gonna throw it away anyway and am never gonna continue working on this, I thought I could at least "save" this here in digital format. Each page was done using a pencil, regular ballpoint pen and a ruler. No fancy manga-drawing tools no nothing. All pages were drawn on B5-sized paper. As you will see in the last couple pages, everything is still drawn in pencil. The word bubbles in the first few pages were actually empty. I added in the dialogs just for the purpose of uploading this manga here. The rest of the text are hand-written. The story was something off my head, based loosely on my (rather) unconfortable life back then.

So here's the unfinished Q-Shin manga, chapter 1 "The Moon & the Monster".
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