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Blundertwins Expansion Drive 4



<< Comic Beginning < Part 3 // Part 5 > Novella Version >>

The Drive is over and we made it! Jakal63 and I are extremely thankful. Expect all the art to come out here over the next few weeks, and the story version (which takes a bit more time) to continue to pop up as the finish! If you would love to see more Stories, Comics, and Collabs get made, consider subscribing to me here, or on Patreon!

Every superhero needs a cover... sadly we seem to be bursting out of ours... Mr. D. Donald Davidson doesn't even get our alter ego "Farrah Bonum" right!

We weren't equipped for fighting villains, but we may be even worse as a fused office assistant relegated to eye candy. Office politics, office romances, and bosses from hell... not to mention now we can only hero at night, IF we have the energy t-

Pop Pop!

Oh yeah, our plain clothes have way less give then our spandex... sigh

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2822x2951px 1.93 MB
© 2022 - 2024 JessieStarsTF
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Grendelkin's avatar

Well, D. Donald Davidson appears to be as much of a garbage person as one J. Jonah Jamieson...

...but you can kind of see why he'd make that mistake. ^^;

Still, if he's really that focused on the Blunder-Twins uh, 'assets'... does that mean he's... attracted to them? :o

Egad and odds bodkins! What a terrifying thought.