The Princess of Silenysjessicapadkin on DeviantArt

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The Princess of Silenys

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A race of six-armed pale-blue skinned creatures were being destroyed by a united force of neighbouring planets, but in a last attempt to preserve their culture, the Emperor and Empress of the Silenys family empire place their daughter within suspended animation on board a massive self-repairing spherical battleship, to be awakened when the ship's repairs and upgrades were complete. However, Princess Silenys's stasis was interrupted, and she emerged early. Now, as the last of her species, she travels with a group of pirates. She is a quiet and subservient person on the outside, but this is part of her manipulative efforts to hide the terrible secret behind her, and the detestable society she is a part of...
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488x553px 100.72 KB
© 2003 - 2025 jessicapadkin
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That is a cool concept ,hehee i have to admit when i saw the picture i was like. Spider Tf? But now that i see it that is a an itresting character and good art work.