Jessica-Rae-3's avatar


459 Deviations
Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • Dec 15
  • United States
  • Deviant for 13 years
  • She / Her
My Bio


The name is Jessica Rae. Nice to meet you. ^_^

Love my Lord Jesus Christ and am very thankful for Him blessing me with the talents He has allowed me to develop.

Not that much to me except that I'm a writer and sequential artist...a Christian one at that. ^_^

Hope you guys enjoy the work and don't steal...OR ELSE YOU'LL LOOK LIKE A DUMMY WHEN MY SERIES GETS PUBLISHED. :P (Lick) If you do take them to draw, tell me please. Thanks.

SpazCat 04 by rosariocentralplz

Also, you might see some predators and preys on my site, so don't be alarmed. They are either shown in a funny way on here or teasing or with sweetness (literally and metaphorically). And if it's a serious situation, it is filtered through moral lenses so you are in good hands here. Meow :3

By the way, for a great book about looking at the world through a Christian's lens, I suggest reading the book written by Tim Keller; "The Reason for God". It is very well researched.

You are all loved and blessings on you all. ^_^

What I think most giants or predators imagine doing, which freaks me out as the tiny: Bouncy Ball by yarjor :tossemote: by stuck-in-suburbia giant pat by CookiemagiK Play time by CookiemagiK OM NOM NOM by prosaix Untitled by Giant Smother Hug V2 by Jessykosis Untitled by Meet Big by Koomba Emoticon 4 by Idiot098 STRANGLER by 5P-emotes massive I WANT a CANDY. Threat by HsssN ice cream van by CookiemagiK Big little challenge by HsssN Blue squish by prosaix Pacman and Emote by Electro-UwU Massive emote bump by Droneguard Massive emote gimme kiss by Droneguard Chase me plz by Droneguard Massive emote squish by Droneguard Untitled by OMG GODZILLA by X-wing9 The om nom nom Kitty by NeoSlashott BBF Icon by cgratzlaff Toy Crane Avatar by Koomba Don't crush me by horber95 Grrr by horber95 Giant Huggle by Web5teR Giant Spinning Tard by Web5teR Nom - NaNoEmo - day 12 by Krissi001 Giant Smooch by Web5teR The Nom Nom Nom Monster by Patches67


...mmm, maybe.

Scared Cat by rosariocentralplz

People reading this are like: Oh Jess by Goodbutbad

Favourite Visual Artist
J. Scott Campbell
Favourite Movies
Favourite TV Shows
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
J-Pop and Soft Rock
Favourite Books
adventure tales (can't stand most of modern teen novels)
Favourite Writers
C.S. Lewis
Favourite Games
Dead or Alive
Favourite Gaming Platform
haven't played enough of them to tell
Tools of the Trade
heart and pencil
Other Interests
Loved by Jesus and I want to try my hardest to love Him back! ^_^

Laptop is Fried

0 min read
I am going to have to buy a new one. ;w; But oh well. I may be slow to reply and am thankful that at least I can grab my adoptables from my phone. Sorry, I usually always message people and work from it, so its important I buy a new one soon. I at least got into DA through my phone, so....YAY! >w< Not everything is bad. I hope y'all are well. And sorry to spam y'all with adoptables soon...but it'll help and they were really fun to make and I think others would enjoy 'em a lot. ;w;
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Which of these comics would you like to be free on Gumroad?

145 votes
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Kamisama Nom Tomoe

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Ricardo's Punny Stalker Anime Emoji (Shy Stalker)

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Never Trust a Fox Banker Teh Evil Laugh

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Which comic would you like a free page from? (top 3 that win will be posted Christmas)

96 votes
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Helping Out Robin Hood Robin Hood and Maid Marian

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Cheshire Cat's Chow 'We're all mad here' Emote Sign

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Island Queen Steph I haz found a Treasureee

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Protein Snack Work it

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Steph's Pampered Christmas  Christmas? Where??

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Saddles' Waterfall Dining Waterfall with Rainbow

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Lady Cat Collection  Thurston Cat Meow

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Ravaging Retsuko Recipe  Retsuko [1]

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Nymphly Halloween Halloween Pumpkin, Evil Laugh

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Profile Comments 11.7K

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Happy birthday :D

:la: Happy Birthday squeeker!

Wart and Hazel: Winter Kisses 1
Wart And Hazel: Winter Kisses 2
Wart And Hazel: Winter Kisses 3
Wart And Hazel: Winter Kisses 4

Remember this comic you made for xWIZARDx? This time about a comic series of shrunken Wart going "INSIDE" the squirrel's body by getting eaten (a "Fantastic Voyage" type of an adventure).

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have a lovely day!

hope your doing well