YuumiJessiBeans on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/jessibeans/art/Yuumi-795596529JessiBeans

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May 17, 2019
Yuumi by JessiBeans
Featured by Astralseed
JessiBeans's avatar


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The Magical Cat 

Yuumi is a magical cat from Bandle City who finds herself taking care of the Book of Thresholds when her witch mistress goes missing, she and the Book set out together to look for her and much adventure ensues. I'm really excited to share my splash contribution to this project, Yuumi was an absolute pleasure to work on. I got to use my own fur baby as my muse (all those cat photos coming in handy) and had a great time collaborating with my splash illustration team and her concept artist, Justin Albers. It doesn't hurt that my main is also an enchanter support, so I'm looking forward to lots of Yuumi games.

Yuumi belongs to League of Legends & Riot Games (2019)

Edit: Thank you so much for the Daily Deviation Astralseed + DA! <3
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3000x1878px 2.23 MB
© 2019 - 2025 JessiBeans
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MeOOow69's avatar

I looked up ‘Yuumi and saw this exact image on Google….. 🤨