JesseLax on DeviantArt

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JesseLax's avatar

AHiL's Plastic PS Layer Styles



Because I believe in hands-on learning for beginners, this file does not contain a .ASL filetype. Rather it's a full .PSD with the LayerStyles on their own layer. I will not update this to include one. Please do feel free to save them yourself in any manner you see fit.

This resource is Royalty Free.
You're welcome to use the styles in any way you see fit, for any project commercial or otherwise... with the exceptions of selling these styles as styles, and implying directly or indirectly that you are the creator of these styles. I would appreciate it immensely if you respected the philanthropy of this contribution to other artists, as well as my goal to reach as many people as I can to help them grow.

As long as all of the included files are fully intact, and unaltered, you're welcome to redistribute this on your website or blog without my permission. However...
(I'm disappointed I even have to write this) It's quite distasteful when I see people remove my name/address and redistribute my resources. It's not glory or prestige I want---it's that I can't help a single soul if they don't know where to find me, and they can't find me when you modify/alter my design name or web address. There's a certain level of etiquette I assume you to have when redistributing, and I will have the utmost respect for you if you upheld a moral ethic in your decisions.


||See Also:
Image size
800x900px 6.04 MB
© 2011 - 2024 JesseLax
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Tanks for your work , love it 😊