Jerome-K-Moore on DeviantArt

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Jerome-K-Moore's avatar




Disney/Marvel Animation Character Design, X-MEN '97, Gladiator Turns.
Media: Adobe Photoshop.

In the First Season of the series, I was assigned the Gladiator character to design, and turn, based on the art style established by Lead Character Designer Amelia Vidal.  Characters with asymmetrical details present an added challenge in turning.  Gladiator is one of the many superhero characters that are obvious rip-offs/homages to Superman.  But I also believe that this guy and OMAC have the same hair-stylist.

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9566x3999px 3.77 MB
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UrsaMagnus's avatar

That is so awesome! I was ear to ear smiles during that episode when I saw him. So happy he got to see some action, and hoping we see him again sooner rather than later.